Weather you are planning a day trip to the club or a multi week excursion to an exotic area in the high desert of the Rockies, it is important to plan effectively. The level of planning and preparation depends upon the type of trip, your equipment, skill level of the group and many more factors. The outline below is designed for a major week long trip to remote territory. Modify the items to fit your needs but thinking ahead will save you some problems on the trail. Don’t forget to check your trailer and all its connections.
Joe Perry
NOTE - Waterproof EVERYTHING! Plastic bags take up little space and will be one of your most prized possessions should you spend a day and a night in the rain.
Check over your vehicle
- Check for loosened nuts and bolts.
- Check all skid plate fasteners.
- Check cables and lines
- Check Radiator and hoses
- Check radiator fluid level and change if older than 2 years.
Change oil and oil filter
Clean air filter.
Rejet for the proper elevation (Paiute Trail 5000 to 10,000 foot)if needed.
Check over Wheels and Tires
- Check lug nuts
- Check all valve stems for drying or rot.
NOTE: Tires should be a good quality aftermarket tire with more than 50% tread left and hopefully no plugs or leaks!
- Add tire sealant
Fuel Pack(s)
- Be sure to carry additional methods for securing it to the ATV
Water Pack or container(s) for drinking water
- Water filter system
- Nutribiotic (GSE) Grapefruit Seed Extract for water purification
Proper Waterproof boxes or bags for ATV
- Make sure all boxes are fastened on securely (take something along to re-attach if needed)
- Make sure seals are in good condition
- Make sure all bags are able to be fastened securely (take something along to re-attach if needed)
- Get heavy-duty trash bags for inside for added waterproofing.
Bag or Bags for Tool Kits
NOTE: Put tools in one bag, spare parts in one bag, and tire repair in a bag for easy packing and using along the trail.
Tire Bag
- Tire pump or inflation device (tape ends of all aerosol cans)
- Tire patches and plugs (double-bag plugs and patches each in heavy-duty plastic bags)
- Tire repair glue (double bagged separately)
- Set of Tire repair tools
Tool Bag
- Good multi-tool
- Multiple screwdriver
- Adjustable end wrench
- Channellock type wrench
- Small set of wrenches
- Wire cutters
Spare Parts & Repair Bag
- Spare nuts and bolts in double baggies
- Hose claps (several sizes for fuel lines, radiator hoses, and claping to rack or frame)
- Duct tape
- Electrical tape
- Zip ties (an assortment of sizes)
- Tie wire
- Electrical wire
Misc. Tools
- Small wood saw
- Small set of Jumper cables
- Tow Rope
- 3/8” or ½” rope min 25’
- ¼ rope min 25'
Part 3
Survival Supplies and First Aid
Small First Aid Kit
Additional Items:
- Bug repellant
- Eye drops
- Sunscreen
- Aspirin or painkiller
- Space blanket
- Baby wipes
- Trash bags
- Extra Baggies
- Flashlight
- Lighter – cigar lighter best
- Matches in sealed container
- Any medication/allergy etc
- Stashed food and liquor
Survival Guide
Cell Phone
- Battery Charger
GPS Locator (Spot)
Battery charger
Wilson cell-extender
Map (bagged)
Guidebook (bagged)
- Spare batteries
- battery, cards, etc. – waterproof container
2-Way Radios
- Spare batteries
Rain Gear or All-Weather Gear
10” Waterproof boots (make sure you can walk in them all day without problems)
Tarp (12’ x 12’) with ¼”x 20’ ropes attached
Sleeping bag in Bedroll Protector or in waterproof bag
Tent – self-standing
Table and chairs (roll up)
Folding camp shovel
Camp stove & cooking gear
- Fuel in sealed container
- Pot and metal spoon
- Pan and spatula (only if you plan on real meals)
- Paper towels
- Bowl with spoon, fork, and sharp knife
Food & snacks (all in baggies)
- Hard-frozen fish or meat for first night
- Tuna Kits
- Jerky
- Trail Mix and dried fruits and nuts
- Dried soup mixes in cup
- Oatmeal in a cup or pack
- Canned beans/cheese and tortillas
Clothes (wrapped in trash bags)
- Shoes for around camp
- Sweatpants & t-shirt for sleeping
- Extra pair of pants
- Several long sleeve t-shirts
- Over-shirt/sweatshirt
- 1 pair of socks for every day camping + 2 pair for night use
Personal Items (all in baggies)
- Soap (Kirk’s natural Kastile coconut for all use inc hair)
- *Lavallin deodorant
- Towel
- Toothbrush/toothpaste/floss
- Toilet paper (use only ½ rolls and bring extra for Kleenex etc.)
Notepad and pen or pencil
Several clothes pins
Cash and credit card (passport if you might cross into Canada)
COVID Restrictions - check the requirements for travel to your destination